Specific Health Issues

Nutrition for Specific Health Issues


Pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes 

The number of people in NZ with diabetes is growing. People are also getting Type 2 diabetes at a much younger age, especially if they are overweight.

Being told you have diabetes or pre-diabetes can invoke a wide range of emotions – shock, anger, denial, it’s not fair, even guilt. Initially you might not be ready to take much interest or make changes to what you eat and drink. Or you might have many immediate questions and want your ‘diet’ sorted right away. 

In many cases, type 2 diabetes can be manged by making changes to your diet and lifestyle alone. These changes can slow the progression of the disease and/or need for medication in some cases. The earlier you take action the more likely you are to make a difference and improve how you feel. If unmanaged, type 2 diabetes can lead to other health complications affecting your eyes, kidneys and circulation. 

I believe it is important to get to know you, your family/whanau and understand the demands of your lifestyle to be able to help you make changes that will last and give appropriate personalised recommendations. I also believe that I can help you learn more and ensure you understand your diabetes condition. This helps to prioritise what changes to your current food habits would benefit you the most. While it can seem there are many ‘don'ts’ often there are alternatives so that people with diabetes don’t always have to feel different or that they are missing out.


Improving your diet and lifestyle or worried about your weight?

There are many reasons why our lifestyle affect how we feel and our weight, identifying our triggers, barriers and making a simple action plan is part of the key to improving. 

Are you any of these? 

  • Struggling with work demands of long hours or shift work, struggling with routine and lots of eating out or travel
  • A busy Mum with little people and demands left/right where you struggle to come first
  • A history of dieting and continuous confusion for what you should be eating and drinking, why my weight won't shift
  • For many of us at the moment, life is expensive and eating well on a budget is challenging

 Many New Zealanders who are overweight or want to lose weight can find this difficult or that they regain the weight they have lost in the past. Weight is affected by much more than just the food we eat and drink, other factors including sleep, work, physical activity, daily routine, mental health and other health conditions can have a large impact without you realising. 

Often people feel lost and life is crazy busy spiralling out of control. I can help you identify simple changes and why this might be happening. Evidence shows that making small changes to both food, drink and lifestyle without strict diets can be much more successful, long lasting and ensures your diet is nutritionally complete.

Together, we can look at what you might have tried before, what worked, what didn't work and help to identify triggers and barriers to change. I will support you in overcoming these barriers or discuss alternative options which might work better for you. it is important to remember that it is not just your weight and the number on the scales but improving your energy levels, avoiding the 3pm slump and sugar /caffeine cravings, sleeping better, improving your mental health and feeling better about yourself, getting yourself moving more and having better gut health. 

I also have some great contact for increasing movement and can help with referrals and discuss options. 

Please get in contact if this sounds like you, I would love to help you on this tricky life journey we all face. 


Heart disease - High cholesterol levels or blood pressure 

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in NZ. Research over the past 30 years has identified a number of factors which increase a person’s likelihood of dying from a heart attack. One such factor is high blood cholesterol levels. Evidence shows that high blood cholesterol levels can be reduced by making changes to the type of fats and oils one uses and eating more foods originating from plants. I can help you plan and make these changes.

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Evidence shows that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and a variety of nutritious grains and protein foods while avoiding highly processed foods can assist in reducing high blood pressure. I can help you plan and make these changes.


Parkinson's disease or other neurological diseases 

Having a family member of my own with Parkinson’s disease, I have a special interest in helping people with this condition to eat well and manage symptoms.

You may or may not be aware but there are some non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that can be improved or managed with dietary changes. Are you having trouble with diet related symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease?

  • Decreased appetite or Loss of smell, constipation, slow stomach emptying (gastroparesis) causing nausea, low energy & difficulty preparing meals, weight loss or weight gain, swallowing difficulties

How can a Dietitian help me?

  • Strategies to manage and improve diet related symptoms
  • Guidance around timing of mealtimes and medication interactions to improve Levodopa uptake
  • Ideas for meal planning and cooking at home & carer support for meal preparation
  • Evidenced based advice & guidance relating to special diets eg. the MIND diet
  • Support for those on Textured modified diets & options available to make your life easier for meal preparation
  • Referral to other support eg. Speech Language Therapist

Please contact me if you feel I can help you with some of the challenges you face in your daily life with Parkinson’s disease.

 For other neurological conditions, similar symptoms or issues can develop and managing malnutrition due to poor appetite or increased requirements is equally important. We can work together to manage these and improve your symptoms. 


Undesirable gut symptoms or specific diagnosed bowel conditions 

Unpleasant and sometimes debilitating gut symptoms such as abdominal bloating and pain, heartburn and indigestion, diarrhoea or constipation can impact significantly on a person’s life.

A systematic approach to identifying what might be the cause of these symptoms is important so that the appropriate treatment option is chosen. While this should be a relatively straightforward process this is not always peoples’ experience.

I have experience in helping people understand what diagnostic tests are available for diagnosing specific gut and bowel related conditions (e.g. Coeliac disease, Crohns disease, Ulcerative colitis, Diverticular disease) or whether irritable bowel syndrome is the most likely explanation for your symptoms. Once a specific cause is identified I can guide you in what dietary changes are recommended. 

Irritable bowel syndrome - simple diet and lifestyle changes can make a big difference or a trial of a low FODMAPS diet can be very beneficial at improving symptoms in the case of irritable bowel syndrome.

Coeliac disease - I can provide education and diet advice for those with newly diagnosed or existing Coeliac disease, while also completing a nutritional assessment to ensure you are getting adequate nutrients, for example iron and calcium. 

Crohns disease - if you have been struggling with symptoms and nutrition, it is worth considering a trial on the Crohns disease exclusion diet (CDED). This is well researched and seen to have significant improvements in your gut health and therefore minimising symptoms.

I can also assist if you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms with a colostomy or ileostomy or if you have constipation.


Hyperemesis in pregnancy 

There are important differences between food allergy and food intolerances.

I have experience in helping people understand these differences and in interpreting test results.

I can also explain how to read food labels so that ingredients a person is allergic to or intolerant of are avoided, provide suitable meal and snack ideas and ensure children and adults are able to meet their nutrient and energy needs when particular foods or groups of foods are excluded.


Nutrient deficiencies resulting in Osteoporosis or Iron deficiency 

As we live longer our skeletons are under pressure to last longer! Whether you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or told you are osteopenic, ensuring you obtain sufficient calcium, preferably from food in conjunction with medication is important for maximising bone strength. I can check whether you are meeting the recommended calcium intake for your age and gender and help you plan how you can achieve this intake.

Iron deficiency is more common than we realise, simply due to not enough iron in our diets or increased needs at different stages of our lives. If you are feeling tired, lethargic or know you have a condition that increases your iron needs or depletes your body then a nutritional assessment can be beneficial. I can help to review you diet, assist in checking your levels and advise of how to increase your iron intake to meet your individual requirements.  


Kidney Disease

Whether a result of diabetes, aging or sheer bad luck, dietary changes may be of benefit by slowing the progression of kidney disease, helping the kidneys work better for longer.

I can guide you in what dietary changes are recommended for your stage of kidney disease and help you achieve these.


Nausea, unintentional weight loss, or low body weight 

Being underweight, especially if your appetite is poor, carries its own health risks. 

There are many reasons why this can happen, improving your intake and meeting nutritional needs is very important, though not always easy. This can be simple suggestions for increasing your intake and/or the types of foods to eat or identifying the cause for your symptoms or weight loss. In some cases a nutritional supplement may be recommended. 

I have extensive experience working with older people who have poor appetites, helping them curb weight loss and rekindle an enthusiasm for food and preparing nutritious meals.

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Nutrition Matters
Sub-Contractor Dietitian - Habit Health (ACC)

m: 027 257 1512
e: emma@nutritionmatters.co.nz

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